Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How does this hit you?

I've recently been told that my artwork is affecting the dream patterns of those who are lucky enough to have seen said works. In an effort to gauge just how powerful I am, I've begun to create images with the direct intention of tapping into the unconscious. Today's effort: the marriage of Frangelico to Mrs. Butterworth. Tell me if this disturbs you in your sleep later.

I expect that as my popularity as an artist grows, my visionary creations will start to affect even those masses who have not been exposed to such pixelated greatness. Why all of this arrogance you ask? Well, I've been hobnobbing with celebrities, haven't I? Check it out--I'm all buddy-buddy with Barbie. (And yes, if you were wondering, those are Carhartts that I'm wearing.)

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