Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Come all ye pumpkin heads

Well, it's that time of the year again. The Great Pumpkin approaches with his bag of toys as he flies across the most sincere of all pumpkin patches. In his honor, I carved up a couple of pumpkins. Leave your triangle eyes and snaggle-tooth smiles at home--this was the year of the tableau scene.

First to be carved was my Indiana Jones pumpkin. In this stunning rendition, we see Indiana Jones crouching down in order to retrieve a fabulous jewel. But watch out behind--a mummy looms on the back of the pumpkin. (I'm having to explain this because Baba thought the pumpkin was indecipherable and interpreted in a highly original and inaccurate fashion. Maybe I should call this my Rorschach Pumpkin.)

Next came The Executioner Pumpkin. I'm very partial to this particular young man, who seems so ready and willing to lop off a head at my command. The entryway to his dungeon is carved on the back of the pumpkin.

Spooky, yet delightfully artistic, no?